Our Little Roses, 2012updated: 2011-08-21
Get Involved, Volunteer, Donate, Pray.
You can show your support by sponsoring a girl or by contributions for general or specific purposes, such as for construction or for the girls' school tuition etc.

Our Little Roses Ministries (OLRM) in Honduras is linked with Our Little Roses Foreign Mission Society (OLRFMS), Inc. in the United States as a non-profit mission organization to support the ministries in Honduras.

All contributions to support Our Little Roses Ministries are IRS tax deductible when sent to and administered through Our Little Roses Foreign Mission Society, Inc.: PO Box 464, Somerset, VA 22972.

All funds raised by OLRFMS are used for the support of Our Little Roses Ministries in Honduras or the US. Funds raised for specific projects will be used as designated unless special circumstances dictate otherwise, at the discretion of Our Little Roses Ministries.

Support a Mission Trip
If you can't visit Our Little Roses by joining a mission trip you can help by supporting a mission trip. Visitors to Honduras overcome obstacles beyond just the cost for the trip. Mission trips take coordination, leadership, donations, time and money. To find out how you can help support a mission trip contact your local clergy or contact Our Little Roses directly and ask.

Visit the www.ourlittleroses.org website to find out more...

You can learn more about Our Little Roses by visiting their website at: www.ourlittleroses.org.

Need help translating anything to another language? Visit: FreeTranslation.com

"Lord make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred let us know love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is discord, union. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy."

"La marca del señor nosotros son instrumento de su paz. Dónde hay el odio sepamos, el amor. Dónde hay la herida, el perdón. Dónde hay la discordia, la unión. Dónde hay la duda, la fe. Dónde hay la desesperación, la esperanza."

View Photos and Journals from Previous Trips

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